These benefits, which are funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, include health insurance, financial assistance, English language classes, help finding employment, and more.
Post-Asylum Grant Timeline
Asylum Granted Date
If you just received a grant of asylum, you are here. Please visit the “For Asylees” section to learn about the next steps you should take.
At 12 months, some asylee benefits expire.
Remember to reach out to a resettlement agency as soon as possible to access benefits. Cash assistance and medical insurance benefits expire 12 months after an asylum grant.
After 1 year, you may apply for permanent residency.
Asylees may apply for permanent residency beginning 1 year after being granted asylum.
You have 2 years to file for family reunification.
Asylees have up to 2 years from the asylum granted date to petition for spouse and eligible children to join them.
At 5 years, asylees may apply for U.S. citizenship.
Asylees may apply for U.S. citizenship beginning 5 years after the residency start date listed on their Green Card. Also at 5 years, asylees’ eligibility for resettlement services ends.

You are safe.
If you are an asylee, receiving benefits will not affect your immigration status, and you will not have any sort of debt to the government.

You should act quickly.
These benefits are only available for a limited time after the day you receive your grant of asylum. Some benefits, for example, are only available for the first eight months following the day you received a grant of asylum. It is important that you contact a service provider near you as quickly as possible.

You might have more to do.
Do you have an I-94 card? Do you have a work permit? Please visit our post-asylum guide for more information on what to do after you receive a grant of asylum.